We have on board industry professionals and Certified counsellors who can guide and Edify you to understand better your requirement and select the right program which fits into the same.


Consistent with the requirements of the authorities involved, the purpose of this policy is to provide the guidelines for granting refunds to Students’ Enrollment Fees which applies to Domestic and International Students enrolled in Haworth Solutions programs.

Our Cancellation & Refunds outlines the available options for our customers for any Cancellation /Refund process (Online, Offline and Self-paced & E-Learning Courses).


Haworth Solutions will offer a refund on the following lines:

  • Refund is issued only in case of withdrawals due to unsatisfactory/delayed training delivery on the part of Haworth Solutions and only upon through investigation and approval from the management
  • Students enrolled for E-Learning courses are not eligible for refund.

Haworth Solutions will NOT offer refund to students under the following circumstances:

  • In case the Student fail to attend the scheduled classes of the course.
  • Money back guarantee is void if the participant has attended the sessions, and received recordings for more than 1 day.
  • Refund on batch rescheduled by the participant is not applicable. The only option is to change the Schedule as per the available batches provided by Haworth Solutions.
  • If the refund request is raised after 30 days of enrollment under any condition

Refund request can be initiated by the Student only.

Contents of the email should be followed by submitting Online-Refund Request Form (Filled) attached with Payment Proof, Course Details, Bank Details, valid reason for refund and etc.


  • 15% of the course fee as a service charge on the transaction amount will be borne by the student (Online, Offline and Self-paced & E-Learning Courses).
  • Tax Amount of the course fee will be deducted if Tax Invoice were issued to the Student.
  • If approved, refunds are paid in local currency within 7 business days with accompanying evidence required only.
  • Refunds will be done through the Original Mode of Payment.